Hello there,
I'm Justin Virella.
I build digital experiences.

I’m a software engineer interested in turning complex web ideas into simple, results-driven experiences.

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Hi. My name is Justin and I'm a web developer who is particularly passionate about user-facing applications. I like to try my hand at complex layouts, but lately I've been deepening my knowledge in good accessibility practices.

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Recent Projects


React Redux Toolkit MongoDB Node.js

Large is a full-stack social blogging platform that allows users to post content, receive notifications, and comment on others' posts.

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React Redux Toolkit Postgres Node.js

Metzinger is a fully featured fullstack e-commerce application. It includes authentication, a shopping cart, a transaction system, and a wishlist.

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React React Query SASS Context API

Cnema is a movie library application that allows user to search for their favorite movies, watch trailers, see recommended movies, and add the movies to a watchlist.

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